Monday, December 13, 2010

Fun in Fairhope & Mobile!!

At the end of September my sister-in-law, mother-in-law, mama, and I went to Fairhope, AL for a girls' weekend.  It was something we had talked about doing before I moved in October, to have a last hoo-rah with the awesome ladies in my family!  Sadly my sister (Katy) and my soon-to-be sister-in-law (Nicole) could not make make it due to prior engagements, but don't worry we are already thinking about next year!!

Tori, Vickie, Mama, and I stayed at the Historical Battle House Hotel & Spa in Mobile.  We had a spa day that was amazing, shopped in the cute town of Fairhope, and the had an amazing dinner on Saturday night at the Marriott Grand Hotel.  It was such a wonderful weekend!

This champagne was waiting in our room.
It was from Nicole because she couldn't come :)

Post-Wedding Activities....

The week following my sister's wedding I went on the most awesome Labor Day beach trip to Seaside, FL.  I went with some of my best girl friends: Annelise, Elise, & Christine.  We had some excellent male companions (Brian & Alex) with us and 3 new faces (Kenny, Kristin, & Jon) that I absolutely adore now!   We spent 4 days relaxing on the beach, cooking, and laughing.  It was just what I needed!  

It never gets old spending time with good people who make you smile on a beautiful beach :)  

3.5 months have passed....

I would like to apologize to my "readers" (aka all 3 of you) for the delay in my blog postings.  Since August 28th, my sister's beautiful wedding day, my life became a whirlwind.  I finally have internet in my new home and some time to catch up on postings, so here I go!! My first post will be dedicated to my very best friend of the past 23 years, Kaitlin Boozer Godfrey!  

August 28, 2010 was the happiest day of my sister's life.  She and Brad got married in a gorgeous wedding ceremony surrounded by their friends & family in Birmingham.  The weekend was filled with laughter, tears, incredible memories, and super-fun reception to celebrate the couple and send them off to start their new marriage in style!  I am so proud of my little sister for the person she is and the woman she has become.  This blog post of pictures is for you.  I love you with all my heart!  Welcome to the family Brad!

(The pictures are from the whole weekend and some are out of order...sorry)

               Last lunch as just mama, daddy, and their girls @ Firebirds.
My sweet "little" brother came to the salon to see us get our hair done.
Funniest poem ever given by Katy's best friends at the Rehearsal Dinner.  Love these girls!

I could never ask for a better little brother or sister! God blessed our family!

                                                      The best of friends through the best & worst of times :)